There's my shed. I like my shed. It has glass in the windows so I don't know what that plywood is about. I like this area of our yards. If you walk back there behind my shed, there's a path up through mom's sheds. I put a fence there so her cats will leave me alone, but, I can unhook it to mow. And there's the red barn back there. There are so many things that live out there. Stray cats, raccoons, opossums, a skunk family, snakes...all sorts of critters. There's also a nest of Bumble Bees and I haven't found it yet. So step careful or stay on the path. There are two other kinds of bees that I never saw before. One is called a Carpenter Bee, I looked him up after he stung me last Summer. I stepped on him. Little black hard bodied bee. His sting packed no more punch than a honey bee. The other kind looks like a Yellow Jacket but is huge. About 3-4 inches long. I still don't know what those are called, but, they are both ground dwellers and they like the old Mulberry tree. Neither one is aggressive. It's a damn good thing, I do not want to be stung by one of those huge mutant fuckers. I'm allergic to wasps. I have to go straight to the emergency room if one of those gets me and I keep hypos of medicine in the fridge. Other bee stings, so far, don't bother me any more than they do anyone else.
Sorry, I was rambling to myself there. My original thought was, I like this area, it's a little wild and has lots of volunteer trees that have been allowed to spring up, so it's like a mini forest. I planted Bachelor Buttons in front of the shed, for my Grandma. She always had Bachelor Buttons by her sheds and outhouse and every time I see one, I think of her. They grow really easy, I'll show you a pic when they bloom. Oh, and damn, that roll of old fencing was heavy! And, yes, I know I still have Nettles, I see them. Farking farkers. I'll get 'em next time. Nancy Today says you can eat Nettles and she does. I know she aint lyin', but, those things gross me out. They hurt way worse than a bee sting. Fancy estate, isn't it? Yep.
Very pretty, the before pic looks like a postcard shot. Even more lovely when the bach buttons bloom.
I love your shed - the area has character. We have an old barn-board shed at the back corner of our property, and I have a soft spot for it, and I love lookin' back at it.
character. Yeah. I like some junky old places. I take a lot of pictures of abandoned houses.
Mud wasps..I will look that up, Tia. I've never seen any so big. I got one in my shirt last year, but, it didn't sting me. Scared me though. I whipped my shirt right off and was running in my bra. It was not pretty.
We have mud daubbers, that's not the same though. They're blue black waspish and nest in the eaves. They're harmless too.
Nope, I looked up mud wasp and that's not it. These things have long fat bodies. They look like a flying bomb.
hmmm....if you find out let us know!
I'll try and get a pic. They're weird.
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